Account banned for using a bot?
So my dad has been playing this game for over 3 years now and today it said his account was terminated for using a bot or third party program. Now I know for a fact he hasn't been using a bot or any other program. He does tend to farm one area for hours on end though, maybe that could lead people to believe he was using a bot. Also he said he sold around 150 purple dyes to the trader today to make some room in his storage if that could make him look like a bot maybe?
He's not good enough with computers to figure out how to use a bot if he wanted to.. lol.. So I'm assuming that his methods of farming are similar to those of bots and that's what got his account banned.
So I was wondering if there was anything he could do to get someone to take a second look at it and maybe get it restored, like a number to call or and email address.
Thanks for any information you can provide.